Voacb start से Last तक

by softline54



A vocabulary is a set of familiar words within a persons language. A vocabulary, usually developed with age, serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is one of the largest challenges in learning a second language. This application is very useful for all ages from child to old age.This application various features are :-• This application all material in Hindi & English languages.• This app will also help you to bookmark your favorite topics for future references.• This application is completely work offline & Free to download, so no need of internet can download the app once and can access all the material without internet connection.• Set reminder & easy to share via SMS, watsapp, facebook, email etc.• This application easy to start, set reminder and move to particular date etc. • This includes the new Android material theme. • Convenient OFF-LINE access. Looks and feels just like the book.Here we have divided into three categories like;• 15-25 age• 26-50 age• 51 or moreThis App having various categories :-• Daily Word Meaning• Body Parts Vocabulary• Baby room Vocabulary • Vehicle Names Vocabulary• Health Problem Vocabulary• Mathematics Vocabulary• Office Vocabulary• Crossword Puzzles• Fill in the blanks• Technical/Computer Vocabulary• Interview Vocabulary• Bank Vocabulary• Difficult Vocabulary• Kitchen Vocabulary • Vocabulary• Going Conversation• Sleeping Conversation• Playing Conversation• Lost pen Conversation• Stationary Conversation• Pen Conversation• Homework Conversation• English Conversation• No Parking Conversation• Thief Conversation• Maths Conversation• Prayer Conversation• Thinking Conversation• Checking Conversation• Driving Conversation• New Car Conversation• Missing Conversation• Calling Conversation• Washing Conversation• Windy Conversation• Birds Conversation• Lightning Conversation• Dreaming Conversation• Bad Conversation• Slow Conversation• Beware Conversation• 1000 common wordsThanksDownload and share this application...